Welcome to 12d.space ! newly addressed 15r.space for good reasons …
This is the portal page to enter into a new era in Physics Science – for those who dare. This Page proposes totally new Paradigms and it is revolutionary in its approaches.
Stay tuned for updates and more information, the page is growing slowly – in my spare time. I will be grateful for donations that will allow me to put more emphasis in my research. If you have Lab-Capacities or theoretical insight to share please come up as well.
As the domain name may suppose three dimensions are not sufficient to explain the physics of our world. Find out more by reading the articles and watching the proposed videos.
Don’t keep back with feedback – share your thoughts.
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Even if our Planet actually seems to drown in Chaos it is not reigned by Chaos.
It’s time to overcome Chaos and establish the emerging Order-Theory at least for Physics.
Dr. Stefan Kreidler
… but for Physics-Science alone is not sufficient since all Sciences will be affected by a new period of Enlightenment following the insights of Physics:
Actual Sciences seem Stuck in Ideologies and Frames – carefully cultivated in the last 200 years.
It’s time to reconsider and Pick-Up the Threads of Goethe and others that were dropped at the verge to the 19th century.
‘WissenSchaft’ must return to its Roots and generate insight and knowledge rather than administrating Budgets and Programs.
Dr. Stefan Kreidler
A starting point for a TOE
Cybernetic Relativity is a new view to theoretical Physics.
This is a privately developed site, totally independent from Universities, paradigms and ‘traditional’ or proprietary ideology.
It is the aim of Cybernetic Relativity to find and show the way to a unified theory for physics (TOE). The actual insight shows that it is possible to integrate the existing models by looking for ‘snags’, ‘gaps’ and ‘overlooked paradox or anomalies’ in order to find ‘entry-ports’ to adjust the current model(s).
For the time being please download the PDF-Document from the Downloads-Section (Preliminary version issued on 23.07.2014).
Linked to Cybernetic Relativity there is a new Theory of Light – SIMMY – that was presented during the LpS-2017-Congress at Bregenz-Austria. Check out the Video and the associated Paper such as the Slides.

Co-operations or Donations:
First of all, please quote correctly and be fair in using sources with my intellectual property. I appreciate if you send me a copy (or a pdf) of your paper mentioning, quoting, building or otherwise referring to my works. Of course I am open for discussion and cooperation, with private people, organizations and also with NGOs or public institutes.
The present work is being done in my spare-time. I would however like to put more time and effort to it in order to build up more robust Theory and also to establish Lab-Tests to foster the insight and to prove the theoretical content. I will be grateful for Funds that will allow to do so. Please forward conditions or application forms for eventual donations that could support such endeavor. I am ready to prepare programs to comply with the requirements with my aim to keep a high level of independence on science, paradigm and ideology.
Please don’t hesitate to take contact.
More about Cybernetic Relativity …
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M +41 76 383 42 02
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